traffic analysis

Sunday, September 13, 2009

A weekend filled with unnecessary deaths

I have been struggling to get off
a medication that has been causing my asthma problems or at least the
most part of them. Unfortunately, it is the medication that has helped
me keep going, kept the pains in a tolerable level and the awful
stiffness likewise. Quitting medication is no bigger problem - though
now that I have cut it in half I don't know how to go on and I have to
consult my doctor (I have an appointment on Tuesday). Anyway the level
of pain and other inconvenience which has followed is an issue to be
dealt with. I must find a way to live with it.

We have done some heavy gardening today - heavy to my level, which is
not necessarily so to other people. There was a mess in one corner of
the garden which was anyway the almost only proper place to plant
Magdalena's berry bushes that she wished for her name day. We have
been getting rid of the mess by all possible means and tools, also by
tearing it away by hand. Then digging, taking away the old soil,
bringing new, planting the bushes which so far are really tiny - and
then, after all this was done, we still had to build a fence to
prohibit rabbits from eating up the plants the coming night. - There
was broken glass in the mess too, and whenever I pulled away a weed,
under it lay glass, which I had to pick away too. We have also cut
away raspberry bushes that had spread in places where they should not
grow... mowed the lawn... and all that done, I have been aching and
getting all the more stiff all evening. It feels awful. Nowadays, when
I want to get something done, I cannot just go and do it like I did
before, I have to engage others to do that with me or it will never
get done. I cannot move those compost bags which we buy from the
store. And there was a time when I could even lift them up to the car.
I cannot believe it now.

I had to go to lift money. Venla had been working at home for one day
to earn money for charity. Magdalena needed money to subscribe a
magazine via school.

I have free tomorrow. I will try to climb to the Wolf Mountain if I
recover from today's work. I have not been there for once this summer.

Yesterday we celebrated Venla's birthday. Her godmother paid us a
visit. It was a nice afternoon with her. I have been irritated because
ever since she moved away from her husband after having applied for a
divorce (several years ago) she has not given any proper address, and
we have not visited her more than once in her new male friend's summer
cottage. Now I asked her where she lives. She said they live in that
summer cottage. And that it is small, and filled with stuff, and she
described it... I know since I have been there... and the rest, I can
imagine... they both have addresses to their work places because that
cottage has no address. .. she said she has been so sad not being able
to have anyone over... okay now I must decide once again never to get
irritated on people I know well, no matter what, because there most
likely always is an explanation. It is amazing how we don't know
things, not even about our friends... anyway I am happy she can visit
us every now and then. I hope their housing problem can be solved

That is about all the news now I think. The subject line refers to
unusually many unnecessary deaths that have taken place in Finland
over the week-end. More than 10 people have died in traffic accidents
and shootings, a few have drowned and one has died in a diving
accident. Really sad news. Also, 35 % of all people who die in traffic
accidents are between 15 and 18 of age. You can almost call it a lost

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