traffic analysis

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Severe flare

I have been back to work this week. It was a complete chaos there. It seems no one of my employees can behave if I am not there and it feels hard. Both that work full time had created enough problems... I try to see it is their problems, and not to involve myself. Still it was hard to bear, mentally.

Today is Saturday, it is week-end and I have been counting days to it. It has been an awful day. I was yelling all around (haha, I can't behave either) and did not know why, until I started to get achy and stiff... Have been rebooting the washing machine all day and there is no end to it in sight. Did some minor organizing and dusting and a lot of folding laundry... and now I am so much in pain that it is unbearable. My God... I did not remember it was like this. I have been too busy or too exhausted to post anything on my blog this past week although there'd have been lots of positive things to post - and now it is like this, I have only negative things to tell.

Something like a miracle happened too. I got a phone call from my mother, she told me to call someone who was worried about my late brother's house being torn by vandalists. I did call him, and he asked if he could go and fix the door which has been damaged, and even more - if his son could go and cut the grass that was growing wild there, definitely showing everyone that the place was not inhabited. What was even more, he said he'd be interested in buying it. It is amazing. It is not even for sale yet, and we already have two potential buyers interested in it. Because another person is too. She has been fooling me though, not giving the right information about things, hiding this and that and not keeping what has been agreed upon... I don't like such behavior. She thinks that because I am not from the area, she can tell me what she pleases. Last time she tried to make me believe that no one else would be interested in the house, that it would not be so very expensive because of the neighbors (!) - well I know something else. Also my instinct has been right about her all the time, I can see it now.

Last Sunday at church, all the texts were about healing. It was very comforting. Also a sister said, almost a year ago, that I needed not worry about finances, according to my late brother's belongings, that God already had a solution. Now I see light, for the first time after his death. Maybe it is not so hopeless anyway. That sister was sure of a solution after she had praid. She was a total stranger to me but I remember this.

By dinner, I took all the pain killers I had. Now it is starting to feel a bit easier. I hope there will be a relief tonight. It was starting to feel so bad that I was not sure if I could make it. I have been really off the rail today. It is not a good feeling.

I am sorry it is so dark today for me. I hope and believe you are having it easier.

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