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Sunday, September 20, 2009

Getting rid of Lyrica

Lyrica did not suit me. I have asthma and it caused asthma symptoms to get so much worse that I had to start cutting down on Lyrica. Lyrica was helpful though, as long as it lasted. It hit where the pain was, although not even that could completely free me from pain - but life was so much easier - as long as it was just that. Now I have been cutting down, first from 2 x 300 mg to 2 x 150 mg, and again from that to 2 x 75 mg and now that amount is not helping so much anymore. Asthma symptoms have easened remarkably, and I feel really a lot better. But I am 20 kg heavier than I was before Lyrica - though I am now putting off weight, the first 4 kg is gone which feels good but is not nearly enough. I think though that the more I cut down on Lyrica - and the next move, after a month maybe, will perhaps be getting totally rid of it - the more I find the natural feel of how much I need to eat, and following what I feel makes me put off weight. So far it has been that easy. That natural feeling was completely confused with Lyrica.

Was to see my doctor this week. She wanted to have a cardiologist consultation, so I made an appointment - but it will be just in the middle of October. Other than worrying herself about my heart and being horrified of the weight gain (for reason, true - I am too) she sent me to routine blood tests due to diabetes. There really is a mix of health issues to deal with. I am seeing the asthma specialist on Sept. 30th. I sometimes wish all those specialists would once sit together round the table but no - I am going with all the information from one to another.

My doctor also wanted to try Cymbalta, but I am now at first using 2 x 75 mg Lyrica to get used to the reduced amount of it before taking the first minimun dose of Cymbalta. That is because I don't remember if she told me to do so or not, so I'd like to make sure no harm is done. I hate trying new meds. I feel scared when I read in the leaflet that it may cause suicidal thoughts and tendency to suicide. I am not the least suicidal or depressed or anything but I was once on medication that was then drawn from the market due to causing suicidal behavior, and I stopped using it at once - and first then realized that I had had day dreams of just walking till I get away from this all... what this all? There is really nothing to complain with my life, other than being ill this way and that way. So getting those thoughts is scary. What if I'd have used the med longer? Thanks God I was not.

Cymbalta is affecting the central nervous system, like Lyrica is too. It is mostly used for diabetics to help in neuropathic pain caused by diabetes. As far as I know, I don't have neuropathic pain yet. Anyway it has proved to be effective in helping some fibromyalgia patients with their fibro pain too. It is NOT known to worsen asthma symptoms.

I wonder if anyone has experiences of life, and fibromyalgia, with Cymbalta? I'd like to know how it has felt, and how it has worked.

Living with a disease which is placed in the central nervous system is scary. The disease in itself is scary because it can do so much harm and cause such immense pain although it does not actually destroy muscles or joints. What is even more scary is the effect it has on brain gray mass (diminishes it) and the awful moments of fibro fog, or SMOG like someone said. But also using meds that affect the central nervous system is scary. And once you start something, it takes TIME to cut down on it. It does not make you dependent, at least Lyrica did not, I just cut it down after instructions and there are no feelings of wanting to have it back or not coping... the only thing it causes is added pain of course, and stiffness which is as bad.

Trying to minimize the amount of medicine I take daily, especially those that affect the central nervous system, I asked my doctor if I could use just 10 mg amitriptyline instead of 25 mg and she agreed. The health insurance does not pay for this "smaller" pill which sounds funny. It did pay for 25 mg pill.

I have to observe myself closely when starting with the new med, Cymbalta. Usually the side effects in me increase gradually and are obvious first after a longer period of use, which makes observing a demanding task.


Elizabeth said...

I'm sorry to hear that Lyrica isn't helping you much anymore. I have read that this is very common, not only with Lyrica, but pain meds. in general. Smart decision to come off Lyrica, rather then keep upping the dosage.

I hope you are able to find something else that helps you.

Agatha said...

The dosage was already in maximum so it could not have been upped anymore anyway.

Mo e e said...

Instead of to pray for your quality-sleeping, it's better for me to change it and ask God for a gift that you can get rid of the medication.
I read the newspaper and learn that no.65 wealthy man is a Chinese of holding medicine-manufacturer. I hate to see people praising the new medicine and hiding the side-effect - a sense of cheating.

Agatha said...

Dear Mo Yee, thank you for your prayers, and thank you for your comment! Getting rid of medication is my dream too. Actually, I ,too, have asked God to heal me. I know He will, if it is in His plans. I sometimes think about this, being ill, and the meaning of it, because nothing here happens to us without His permitting it to happen. I have found many meanings. At least it has helped me grow as a person. It has showed me what a wonderful husband I have. It has shown me who my true friends are. It has made my children tolerant for illnesses and disabilities, hopefully for other things too. Maybe there is even more - who knows. Not many people envy me (I hope). A firend of mine listed everything that I had that she would have wished for herself - like a husband, a home, children, the same employer for tens of years, and so on.... but then she said that due to my illnesses I had certainly suffered more than enough too. She is my age and completely fit and healthy. I know many people think that way. Thank you for your friendship which has lasted tens of years. God bless you my dear.