traffic analysis

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Daytime walking

Nowadays it is already dark when I get home from work. I have for long already wanted to take it as a habit to go for a walk every day by noon. It is light then, and I can get fresh air and sunshine and get in a better condition and get evergy for the rest of the day. After I had my asthma control and heard that everything was fine except of an excess of mucus, I could start moving again. So far I have managed going out each and every day. Sometimes it has been difficult to slip out of the door due to customers coming in (lol) but I have gone when I have got their issues solved. Also today: it was raining and storming heavily in the morning but it stopped raining till my lunch hour. And when I got out, even the sun showed a glimpse of itself through the clouds. I did not get wet at all, and I could have a nice walk and enjoy feeling worth it. Sometimes it feels very painful but I do it anyway. Sometimes I am not sure if I can make it back but so far I have always been able to. It always makes me stiff but I persistently hope that it will get easier when I get used to it. I hope and pray that I will stay healthy so I can go on with it.

The morning storm is coming back, I can feel it. It is squeezing my shoulders and causing severe pain in arms and hands and fingers. I hope I can keep my ability to think and work though, it is about important things these days anyway.


Mo e e said...

just want to walk with you, and share with you my strenth. I pray for you, every morning, and every day. I love you, dear.

Agatha said...

Dear Mo Yee, Thank you for your encouraging words! I love you too my dear.