Thursday, December 31, 2009
Happy New Year
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Buried in snow
Back to work, day 3
Day 2, fell asleep at least three times when driving to work, insanely tired, worked half day and quitted. Exhausted at home.
Day 3:
Blood pressure sky-rocketed and my husband told me to stay at home and not drive while a) continuously falling asleep when driving and b) having the highest blood pressure ever measured. So I am cleaning my work mail box which I have not opened for one month and which is filled with all kinds of messages - can do it better at home than at work where I am all the time interrupted. Would be quiet days in the office though. Got an appointment scheduled to my doctor on the 4th of January, i.e. immediately after New Year, which is good. - Lungs still on half capacity and asthma keeping me awake from (too) early morning. Miettii
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Friday, December 18, 2009
Having to collect myself... again...
Goodness... where do I take the strength now? I don't want to show how down I really am, I don't want to burst into tears in the hospital... I think I am really afraid too.
My late father's birthday
To the hospital
Too cold for me to breathe
Happy Islamic New Year!
Awarded for long service
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Thursday, December 3, 2009
In the sanatorium due to asthma
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Get down and stay there
That black mean monster is my own body which has turned against itself and seems to say, "You have not suffered nearly enough yet..."
It is no use to ask for the meaning of suffering. There is no meaning for it. It just exists. Right now, as there is no other relief, I only wish it would knock me unconscious. The pain is way over what I tolerate but I have no means to put it on a tolerable level.
Friday, November 27, 2009
I am thankful
2009 November 26
tags: journey, life, love, potential, promise, thankful, Thanksgiving
by fibrohaven
I am thankful.
I am thankful for my smart, funny and charming husband. I am thankful for the years he selflessly held us together while never making me feel inadequate. I am thankful for his companionship, his commitment to our partnership, and his unending loyalty, support, and love.
I am thankful for my friends – old & new. My friends who know me sometimes better than my family. My friends who love and support me regardless of what I am able to contribute to our friendship. My friends who understand when I need to cancel a lunch date or head home early from an evening out. I am thankful for my awesome friends!
These are fragments from FibroHaven's blog in
I wanted to copy these fragments here because they could as well be written by me, they reflect what I feel too. I am thankful and grateful of you. I love you.
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Swine flu, continued
This morning my wonderful husband hugged me and said that I feel better. How did he know, just by hugging me? Blessings of having been married for so long! I love it! Today my temperature has been normal with the strong meds I have. Today I have been sweating every time I do something, eating included. Today I have felt hungry for the first time in days. Today I have been strong enough to take a shower. I have been talking in the phone - part of my voice back, and still coughing my lungs out. Last night I could sleep again. I was woken up by asthma and coughing but it did not make me frightened. I still feel frustrated and useless and I struggle to accept those feelings and the fact that I am useless and can't be anything else right now. I have also felt touched many times today - by kindness and caring. I have heard words that I will treasure in my heart. I have been crying a lot, for all good reasons possible. People talk to me in a kind, soft voice... why, actually? Do I feel and look so ill really? But this is a tough disease. I wish I will overcome it without any further harm. There are people who pray for me - and that touches my heart really a lot.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Another swine flu day
I feel tired and foggy and achy today.
Monday, November 23, 2009
Husband is ill too
Got swine flu
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Having flu, and a fibro flare
The fibro flare is going on. It started the night before yesterday. Last night it got so bad that I could not sleep. Even wearing clothes caused too mch pain and was intolerable. The pain is on an intolerable level but I don't have any alternative, I have to be in this hurting body which is driving me mad. I am hurting immensely all over, including eye lids and just everything. No pain killers really "bite" now - I am taking them all which is not so much. I am also having flu, or influenza - whatever, the horrible disease that has already made all other family members ill. Maybe it is the cause of the fibro flare too. (I think flare is fibro slang, it means a pain attack which can last from hours to days, weeks and months). I am having fibro fog too, so even writing - typing is difficult because thinking is difficult, and i mistype in an awful way too, no word comes right to begin with, and I am not sure whether anything of what I write makes sense.
My husband is really nice, he is fussing on me, telling me to stay in bed and being worried that I get some additional diseases if I don't take it absolutely easy and just rest. He is so wonderful, I love him so much and I am the happiest woman on earth to have him, and to have had him all these past 20 years! He went to the pharmacy to get the additional medication I need for asthma now as I have breathing difficulties, and yesterday evening he came home from shopping and told me he had bought my favorite ice cream, and then he made spaghetti sauce with lots of garlic and onions and tomatoes to help me feel and get better.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Posting my postcards
Changes in the mood
This is not healthy. This is certainly a warning sign and I must watch it. I must read the instructions of Cymbalta really well again, and then discuss with my husband about what to do. I cannot stand this out. I can stand the good days but the bad days drive me to insanity.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Side effects again
I feel very undecisive. I am also starting to feel like an outsider. I feel like withdrawing from everything, and when I do, I end up blaming myself of not being there with others or for others, not taking part, not doing this or that... I am like questioning my own value all the time, and doing things I don't approve of. I also feel I am too dependent on other people and their doings and sayings and I don't want to be like that so I withdraw even more, to prove myself that I don't care.
I also react very strongly to things which I would normally let pass and not care. I was deeply hurt by being rejected by a moslem because of my faith. We had good conversations until the moment when he realized that I was a believing Christian to whom faith meant really a lot. Things like this happen, this is not the first time, and he was by no means anything special. The difference is that now I react really unreasonably and feel deeply hurt. - I also had an agreement with a friend of mine to meet her. Foggy as I am, I had made the first appointment with her on my husband's 50th birthday so I had to cancel it. Now I could not go this week either because I have hurt my back and I am on sick leave - besides, even the day was wrong because it was the day when we have our Arabic lessons, as my husband kindly reminded me. I cannot control these flops although I do my best because if I am foggy, I am and I cannot perform faultfree. And how could I know I would hurt my back right now? Now she told me we can as well meet next year, she is tired and she has problems at work.... she is like that, she has been like that all the time - and I understand I have hurt her - okey, she has hurt me too. I feel rejected because of my illness. And it hurts really a lot. But of course I am rejected by it all the time and I should not care - people are like that, and I know I am difficult, canceling appointments and things like that. I think I will be trying to avoid all kinds of appointments - which will make me even more isolated and feeling an outsider.
Some part of my mind tells me this is perhaps a warning signal on that the medication I am taking now is causing depressive thinking and that it is not healthy. I feel it important to write down how I feel and what I think about it, so that if I need to consult a doctor, I can explain the problem to her.
I have here in between been reading about Cymbalta, and the experiences people have had. The side effects are said to be strongest in tghe beginning, especially self-destructive thoughts (which to me seem to mean that feeling of isolation and of an outsider) but in the end it has turned the opposite though not with everybody... I don't know if I am any wiser. I will wait and see and pray this goes by and I will be back to normal again.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Helpful Darling Husband
Back to the laundry now.
Fibro Fog
I was asked what fibro fog, or brain fog, is. A friend of mine made the same question before, in chat, and I pasted and copied what I told him, and that time I was ”foggy” so I was describing how I felt. I have left his comments out but he was really encouraging and supportive and I am so grateful of that. I am also grateful for your prayers, they are really needed and appreciated. The other day when I was having my council meeting at work in the evening, I was asked a lot of things like I usually am, but then as I was having a fibro fog attack, it happened that in the middle of the sentence I lost the clue of what I was saying and I could not fix it anyhow so I had to say that I had a black-out... it happened twice.... with a condition like this, it is always risky to do things that are included in my work like meetings where you have to answer a lot of questions and usually don't know beforehand what you will be asked about – and things like MC:ing festivities, feasts, celebrations, other occasions and such...
Here is the chat about fibro fog:
it is something you have when you have fibro, it comes in attacks and it is called brain for or fibro fog.... a "colleague" fibromite calls it fibrosmog.... anyway.... i think it is what it sounds like, your head filled with some damn fog which just prevents you from thinking logically and from doing things, from being systematical and well.... makes you feeel like you suddenly have a strange idiot in the place of your own brain....
it usually comes with pain attacks - not always - but i have no pains now and i still ahve it...
it is only awful as long as it lasts and it goes by, i know.... and anyway this is not so bad... because i know what is wrong..... the worst is when i have it and i dont knnow it because then i feel really lost until rikard tells me what is wrong.... that it is not me gone mad suddenly or something
it just needs a lot of concentration to get anything sensible out and typed right..... i was typing simple greetings here in between to a few people, nothing much but a few sentences,... and i had to check them letter by letter because i tend to type just whatever, words that dont mean anything because i just dont hit right
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Quitting Lyrica
It has been a slow process, quitting that medication, as it has been reduced by and by. Pain is back but usually not too bad to tolerate, and anyway I have been able to use quite strong pain killers that do not trigger asthma. They are not very many though or so it seems. One which was very good resulted in more than one doctor telling me that it can cause heart attacks, so I quitted that too.
What is bothering me most these days is fibro fog - I have it to some extend almost every day and it seems to be somewhere between me and the world. And the other thing that bothers is stiffness. Otherwise I am so much better than before..
I have been in a really bad state due to medication. I hope and pray I don't need to wittness anything like that anymore.
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Not such a good day today
to see them.
Painful, painful day. I am completely exhausted by the pain.
Friday, October 30, 2009
This is good news to all of you who have been following our struggle with our youngest daughter's blood glucose. She is a diabetic and we got alerted when the possibility of insulin resistence was mentioned during her last visit to the diabetes clinic. As the other possibility was puberty and hormones messing up with insulin, we have now been using more insulin than the actual per weight amount would be - about 20 - 30 % more. Also our little one (12 years and 3 days) has got alerted because she knows very well what insulin resistence means, and she has been very strict and careful in all measuring and remembering her insulin times and such. We still fail to get her blood glucose down enough at night time but at daytime it is good with this bigger dose of insulin. She also feels seemingly better. It feels very touching to see it. Thanks God, it was not insulin resistence. I feel so happy, and also so relieved. Thank you all for your prayers! You are treasures! God bless you!
Abnormally high blood sugar values at night
Another daughter stays at home today, stomach disease.
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Problematic diabetes
I, on the other hand, had too low blood glucose in the morning and I was shaking till I had coffee bread & chokolate on coffee break. Scary!
It is scary because I did not realize what was wrong, thought I was getting ill because it started when I went to shower and the shower room and sauna were unheated and I felt soooo cold there... I kept shaking all over ever since. It was blood sugar though because it stopped with those sweet treats.
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Valuable suffering
Wrong. Suffering is part of life. Suffering is a VALUABLE part of life. I am now talking about merely suffering which is caused by illness... for simplicity, I exclude all suffering which is caused by inhuman actions against our fellow human beings, violence in its every aspect, be it how small or how big ever, and be it physical, or mental.
We tend to think that if we suffer, we are not whole human beings. We think that suffering makes us less valuable. This is how much we adore things like health, youth, sanity. Like nazis. Our way to think about suffering resembles of discrimination nazis used in their Reich. Our adoring youth, health, painfree being - is what nazis did too.
I must be working on this thought to make it real in my own life and in my own attitude. Less suffering is perhaps an easier way to live but it is not a more valuable way to live. That I am often in pain does not mean that my life is not valuable. Or that it is not as real, or as much life, as it would be without pain. Pain causes suffering. Sometimes it causes more suffering than I think I can take. Still, those painfilled moments are precisely as valuable as painfree moments. They are as much life. They are as valuable part of life. I am as valuable in those moments than I am in any other moment. Life is as much worth while on those moments as it is when it is easier.
Even being disabled (in my case) by pain, physically, or by brain fog, mentally, is a valuable part of my life. When I think back of the moments of disability and those people who have wittnessed it and their reactions - to see how great people they are, how well they take it, how equal to themselves they talk to me, how loving, caring and kind they are, to know that my life and I have been blessed by these truly great people - it is worth all suffering. Compared to that, suffering means nothing at all. Seen in this context, suffering becomes a thing that makes life rich. I could have found out the greatness of all those peole also otherwise, but I am not so sure about it. Suffering has been a blessing. It will continue to be so.
I am not saying that life with suffering is MORE valuable than life without suffering. It is still allowed and possible to pray for relief. Relief is a good thing. But if there is no relief, life is still good, I am still alive, I am still a feeling human being, I am still the same me than I am without pain. When I talk about pain, I am not talking about it as something apart from my life. I am talking about my life, such as it is. Sometimes pain is all I can talk about because it is so overwhelming. Sometimes I can talk about other things too.
Pain and suffering is not the only thing that matters in my life either, and getting painfreee is not the only need I have. I have the same basic needs that everybody has: I need love, care, affection, acceptance, I need to be fed, I need to be sexually satisfied, I need food for thought, I need faith, I need good friends, my family, work, hobbies... and I need to talk about all things in life although in my case pain is what is the most dominating thing very often. It does not exclude all other things though.
It is perhaps easier to show love and caring by wishing that I was painfree, that I was well. It is more demanding to show love and caring knowing and accepting that I will never be any better but that I can get worse. This is as much true for myself as it is for my near ones.
To accept suffering as a valuable, good part of life, something that is worth while and that makes life rich, is perhaps a lifetime task for me and my dear ones. But even the learning process can be a blessing. I have the feeling that many of my loved ones are a lot ahead of me in that process. I have the feeling that many times they love me more than I love myself.
Monday, October 19, 2009
An angry and human medical experiment "rabbit"
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Wonderful news!
Sweet lies and music
made by pain
played by me
for you to see
and feel
if you can hear me
All the time
I tell sweet lies
I'm fine, I'm fine
so no one tries
to come too near
to see, to hear
To hear
the music
made by pain.
My dear
This night's
In vain.
Saturday, October 10, 2009
It is so true and I want to remember it always: pain and stiffness stays by me but ALSO, and much more importantly, I have a couple of true friends that always stay by me no matter what, and my family who always stays by me too. I am surrounded by love and caring from above, and from all sides. That thought is more healing than anything else. I am so happy and proud and privileged to have friends to remind me of it when I forget it myself. With this level of pain, it is easy to forget.
Gray matter loss in brain
The finds of decreased gray matter in brains always feel terrifying to me. But which one comes first? Continuous stress alters brain; what about continuous, intolerable pain? Do the alterations come first, and cause the pain, or do we have those gray matter losses because we have pain that goes beyond words more often than not? Means, would a more effective treatment (what, I don't know) reduce the gray matter loss? And how to live with the loss?
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Daytime walking
The morning storm is coming back, I can feel it. It is squeezing my shoulders and causing severe pain in arms and hands and fingers. I hope I can keep my ability to think and work though, it is about important things these days anyway.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
In moments of loneliness
When everybody else is gone
Pain is keeping me company
Whispering tenderly in my ear,
"You are mine"
And smiling
Monday, October 5, 2009
Moments of loneliness
In moments of loneliness
When I have thrown everybody out
In my deep frustration of not
Being able to say
That I hurt
In moments of loneliness
Pain is keeping me company
Whispering tenderly in my ear:
”You are mine”
And smiling
Pain is here (fragments of thoughts during a pain flare)
Pain is here (fragments of thoughts during a pain flare)
Something I need to repeat
Pain is not ennobling
Pain does not make me into a better person
Pain is intolerable
It just is here
Without any meaning
It is tearing me apart
It is making me impatient
It is closing everything outside
It is closing everybody outside
It is here, keeping me totally for itself
Even though I need comfort
I cannot ask for it
I never find words
Even though I need encouragement
I cannot ask for it either
I never know what to say
Even though I need company
I get impatient on everyone
I throw everybody out
And then I am angry
When they go
Pain is here
And whenever it is here
I know it means loneliness
Complete solitude
Everybody else is out
And I cannot get close to anyone
This pain goes beyond words
When it is here
I can hardly say I am in pain
No words come out if I try
Pain is here and my body feels lost and alone
It is here
And even my heart and soul
are bound to loneliness
feel completely lost too.
And the only company there is
Is pain
Sunday, October 4, 2009
The essence of pain
The entire article is here:
and it is written by Dana Jennings.
Here it goes:
... pain falls into two broad categories: the kind you can articulate, and pain that is beyond words.
I was humbled by pain that to me seemed to transcend the basic medical scale of 1 (mildest) to 10 (most severe). And pain is a path to humility. When it hurts just to wriggle up in bed, elbows digging into the mattress for support, you generally don’t think of yourself as sitting atop the food chain.
And pain is a teacher. More than ever, I understand how abhorrent it is to inflict pain. I have learned to distinguish between mere discomfort and pain that can’t be tolerated. And tough-guy popular culture — oh, great, ultimate fighting on Spike TV — doesn’t impress me at all.
I have no patience these days with the Nietzschean cliché, “That which does not kill us makes us stronger.” I’ve found that the deepest pain holds no meaning. It is not purifying. It is not ennobling. It does not make you a better human being. It just is.
All the worst pain does is reduce us to our most primal animal. We want it to stop. We want to survive. It short-circuits any sense of self, diminishes us to a bundle of biological reflexes.*****************
The next quotes, you can find in
and they are written by Adrienne Dellwo:
When it comes to severe, unrelenting pain, however, it can make us feel weak, lost and alone. Pain can take everything good away from you. I don't come out of those episodes stronger -- I come out of them shaken to the core.
"All the worst pain does is reduce us to our most primal animal." This is a beautiful and accurate description of what I've been unable to express in the past -- the desperation we face, the loss of reason and rationality, the absolute, primal need for relief. Now.
Life with Cymbalta is not easy either. I was checking the list of side effects to see how many of my new oddities are explained by the known side effects of Cymbalta.
Not few. Or what do you think:
*Headache. (I have had that sort of almost incontinuous head ache which I have never had before. This feels very sharp, completely different from before.)
*Tiredness, problems sleeping, bad quaqlity of sleeping. I can sleep 2 - 3 hours per night.
*Added yawning. (Of course, because I don't sleep enough. I don't feel sleepy but even so, I have today been yawning my jaws off.)
*Feeling sick. Yep. 7 kg gone just like that. This side effect I could even keep since thanks to Lyrica, I have a lot to lose in weight.
*Tinnitus. I have it even from before, it is continuous and never stops for a second but now I hear it much louder than before.
*Eczem. It seems I have nothing in my stomach skin other than scarves from pregnancies and a very thin skin but i have been scratching it like a maniac since it feels so itchy - and now applying body lotions too.
*Cold fingers and toes. Yep. Definitely.
*Cold sweat.
*Shaky muscles. Today I felt my legs would not carry me. It went by pretty soon but anyway... not a nice feeling.
And all this I have now, when I am taking the minimum dose. What if it gets doubled, because it is not working at its fullest now? Will it add on the effect of the side effects too?
And what if there is no medication? What if there is pain and no medication?
Celecoxib has helped tame the overflow of pain when the basic medication has not been enough, but I stopped taking it when my asthma doctor told me it has caused heart attacks.
About asthma, my asthma doctor was satisfied that I had found the reason for the worsening symptoms and had been able to prove and eliminate them. Now I can move again, which has not been the case for long since I ahve been suffocating.
On Friday and Saturday I have been out, walking, gardening... I must go on with it, it is something I can do to my burn out symptoms, to prevent them.
I have a dream. I want to get rid of medication. Perhaps not overnight but anyway. I don't want to constantly worry about side effects and safety. During the past one year or so I have quitted three medicines that have been life-threatening - to me, or to someone else. Lyrica was life-threatening to me because of asthma. The two others have been drawn out of market.
But I should also remain able to work, live and love as normally as possible. And I am NOT willing to start trying all kinds of possible aids and healings the world and market is full of. It would be an endless trying and disappointing, like it has been with medication. But there is a jungle of all kinds of healers and products, aiming to profit from the need to make life tolerable.
I feel more than confused. But so far, I have a dream at least.
Saturday, October 3, 2009
So much to be happy for
But also, a work mate of mine paid attention and commented my looks: I had dressed in matching tones - shirt, jacket, hair accessories - and she said I had so wonderful colours. It felt good.
Then, a friend to my late brother called and said he'd like to meet. He had other things to tell too but this felt the best of them all, plus that he offered to help with a practical thing at hand.
A friend of mine said she would be praying for my complete recovery so that I'd not need any medication at all. That was after she read my blog and saw how horrible life with meds can be. I have had really awful experiences lately. I am happy I have not been killed by them. I feel so encouraged by her prayers.
A distant friend did not give up when he did not find me in MSN. He wrote an email to me, asking what has happened. We had a long and wonderful discussion this evening.
I have been able to go for a walk. I have been able to do gardening today. I think I was out for two hours or so, all the time doing something. Wooow it feels great! I am so happy of it, although it always hurts my broken toe. Perhaps I have that toe so that I would understand to pace myself, not to try too much.
I feel so good of the sunlight.
And I don't feel sick anymore, every time I try to eat.
Lots of things to be happy for!








Friday, October 2, 2009
Going forward
Yesterday I talked about my situation, to a colleague, to one of my best friends and my confident, and to my husband. Then I decided it was time I do something for myself and to the situation.
Yesterday all I ate during the day was a coffee and a bun, as I was invited to coffee by my colleague. I decided it was time I start seeing to that I eat properly. I have just been rushing between home and work and everything else has been set aside. I also decided I need to motion more. And I need to cut the stressy working day somehow.
I took a proper meal with me today when I came to work. I also went via the bakery and purchased a cake for the coffee, and brought it here to delight me and my colleagues during the coffee break. And I took 20 minutes in the middle of the day and went out to have a walk in the wonderful, bright sunlight, in the middle of the falling autumn leaves... I concentrated in thinking that I am worth it, till I had got out and was really walking and enjoying the weather and the light and the beauty... just what I need. I need to see that I am the most important thing in my life. If I neglect myself, all else goes with it. (This was no religious argument, God comes above everything of course.) I have been on my way to burn-out - I got a warning yesterday and I have to do something to it before it takes me.
By the way, I noticed that I have not been out with anyone for a long time, anyone else than family and husband I mean. I enjoyed the coffee with my colleague, and I enjoyed being opened the door for, and being escorted in the stairs, and all that. Should do it more often really!
Now it is week-end coming. Usually my week-ends have been spent by rushing from one undone household chore to another, since so much remains undone during the week. This time I must take care of myself too. I must go out and enjoy the weather and the sun, I must get motion, I must get light, and I must eat. I must keep on telling myself that I am worth it, till I believe.
It is time to leave office and head to the shop and then home. I need this week-end of not-having-to-go-anywhere. I hope you enjoy your week-end too!
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Klaus Härö's movie "Letters to Father Jacob"
A Finnish description of the film, and a trailer, on
Adventuring in flea markets
You guessed it. I love beautiful glass and porcellain, and I have lots of it. LOL
Flea markets were interesting places to go through and watch all the items there. There were beautiful antique pieces, everything between sky and earth... I enjoyed the trip though it was very time-consuming! Today I have had lots of problems with asthma, perhaps due to all dust I inhaled yesterday. Hope it will get better till tomorrow!
Getting rid of Lyrica
Was to see my doctor this week. She wanted to have a cardiologist consultation, so I made an appointment - but it will be just in the middle of October. Other than worrying herself about my heart and being horrified of the weight gain (for reason, true - I am too) she sent me to routine blood tests due to diabetes. There really is a mix of health issues to deal with. I am seeing the asthma specialist on Sept. 30th. I sometimes wish all those specialists would once sit together round the table but no - I am going with all the information from one to another.
My doctor also wanted to try Cymbalta, but I am now at first using 2 x 75 mg Lyrica to get used to the reduced amount of it before taking the first minimun dose of Cymbalta. That is because I don't remember if she told me to do so or not, so I'd like to make sure no harm is done. I hate trying new meds. I feel scared when I read in the leaflet that it may cause suicidal thoughts and tendency to suicide. I am not the least suicidal or depressed or anything but I was once on medication that was then drawn from the market due to causing suicidal behavior, and I stopped using it at once - and first then realized that I had had day dreams of just walking till I get away from this all... what this all? There is really nothing to complain with my life, other than being ill this way and that way. So getting those thoughts is scary. What if I'd have used the med longer? Thanks God I was not.
Cymbalta is affecting the central nervous system, like Lyrica is too. It is mostly used for diabetics to help in neuropathic pain caused by diabetes. As far as I know, I don't have neuropathic pain yet. Anyway it has proved to be effective in helping some fibromyalgia patients with their fibro pain too. It is NOT known to worsen asthma symptoms.
I wonder if anyone has experiences of life, and fibromyalgia, with Cymbalta? I'd like to know how it has felt, and how it has worked.
Living with a disease which is placed in the central nervous system is scary. The disease in itself is scary because it can do so much harm and cause such immense pain although it does not actually destroy muscles or joints. What is even more scary is the effect it has on brain gray mass (diminishes it) and the awful moments of fibro fog, or SMOG like someone said. But also using meds that affect the central nervous system is scary. And once you start something, it takes TIME to cut down on it. It does not make you dependent, at least Lyrica did not, I just cut it down after instructions and there are no feelings of wanting to have it back or not coping... the only thing it causes is added pain of course, and stiffness which is as bad.
Trying to minimize the amount of medicine I take daily, especially those that affect the central nervous system, I asked my doctor if I could use just 10 mg amitriptyline instead of 25 mg and she agreed. The health insurance does not pay for this "smaller" pill which sounds funny. It did pay for 25 mg pill.
I have to observe myself closely when starting with the new med, Cymbalta. Usually the side effects in me increase gradually and are obvious first after a longer period of use, which makes observing a demanding task.
Heartfelt welcome!
Sunday, September 13, 2009
A weekend filled with unnecessary deaths
a medication that has been causing my asthma problems or at least the
most part of them. Unfortunately, it is the medication that has helped
me keep going, kept the pains in a tolerable level and the awful
stiffness likewise. Quitting medication is no bigger problem - though
now that I have cut it in half I don't know how to go on and I have to
consult my doctor (I have an appointment on Tuesday). Anyway the level
of pain and other inconvenience which has followed is an issue to be
dealt with. I must find a way to live with it.
We have done some heavy gardening today - heavy to my level, which is
not necessarily so to other people. There was a mess in one corner of
the garden which was anyway the almost only proper place to plant
Magdalena's berry bushes that she wished for her name day. We have
been getting rid of the mess by all possible means and tools, also by
tearing it away by hand. Then digging, taking away the old soil,
bringing new, planting the bushes which so far are really tiny - and
then, after all this was done, we still had to build a fence to
prohibit rabbits from eating up the plants the coming night. - There
was broken glass in the mess too, and whenever I pulled away a weed,
under it lay glass, which I had to pick away too. We have also cut
away raspberry bushes that had spread in places where they should not
grow... mowed the lawn... and all that done, I have been aching and
getting all the more stiff all evening. It feels awful. Nowadays, when
I want to get something done, I cannot just go and do it like I did
before, I have to engage others to do that with me or it will never
get done. I cannot move those compost bags which we buy from the
store. And there was a time when I could even lift them up to the car.
I cannot believe it now.
I had to go to lift money. Venla had been working at home for one day
to earn money for charity. Magdalena needed money to subscribe a
magazine via school.
I have free tomorrow. I will try to climb to the Wolf Mountain if I
recover from today's work. I have not been there for once this summer.
Yesterday we celebrated Venla's birthday. Her godmother paid us a
visit. It was a nice afternoon with her. I have been irritated because
ever since she moved away from her husband after having applied for a
divorce (several years ago) she has not given any proper address, and
we have not visited her more than once in her new male friend's summer
cottage. Now I asked her where she lives. She said they live in that
summer cottage. And that it is small, and filled with stuff, and she
described it... I know since I have been there... and the rest, I can
imagine... they both have addresses to their work places because that
cottage has no address. .. she said she has been so sad not being able
to have anyone over... okay now I must decide once again never to get
irritated on people I know well, no matter what, because there most
likely always is an explanation. It is amazing how we don't know
things, not even about our friends... anyway I am happy she can visit
us every now and then. I hope their housing problem can be solved
That is about all the news now I think. The subject line refers to
unusually many unnecessary deaths that have taken place in Finland
over the week-end. More than 10 people have died in traffic accidents
and shootings, a few have drowned and one has died in a diving
accident. Really sad news. Also, 35 % of all people who die in traffic
accidents are between 15 and 18 of age. You can almost call it a lost
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Monday, September 7, 2009
Allodynia - hard-to-understand type of fibro pain
It is a useful article that brings up a type of fibromyalgia pain that most of us feel but which is almost impossible to explain to anyone.
I am myself especially sensitive to sounds and lights, they can really drag my nerves in pieces... often a flare also means increased sensitivity (read:pain) caused by just whatever clothes I am wearing. That is quite impossible to even ease - you have to wear something anyway, right? But the feeling can be intolerable. Visual chaos is also something that is causing physical pain - even I have till now thought that I am just naggy when I talk about the importance of beauty - f.ex. at home. What makes it sound complete idiotisn is that I myself cannot do as much as would be needed to accomplish that level of tidiness and organization which I would need.
I have been carrying out carloads of things that we don't need but that are lying around and filling up space. It feels nearest desperate, it feels it never ends but I think it is starting to be seen here, by and by. I am grateful of the efforts of the family members too. They are doing a great deal - although they cannot understand how it can be possible that I suffer so much for such minor things.
I have had many friends with whom I contact by online chat. Nowadays I feel like I don't want to chat online anymore. I don't exactly know what bothers me in it, but I have a strong feeling that there is something that is too much for me. Someone would say that fibromyalgia is robbing yet another area in my life that I have enjoyed. Maybe it is so. I just know that for now, I keep my status invisible and although I see people there whose company I enjoy, I don't give any sign of life. Those who are very close I can talk to, one at a time. I don't think it will be so forever but for now it is and I am astonished by the feeling that I don't even want it back.
Today I am grateful of this quiet day at home - I have a wrting-day, articles to be written at work, so I am staying at home where I have the peace to write them. Already mailed away the first article, one or two to be written still.
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Read Sarah's Fibro Poem
It is a wonderful poem, it tells what we all so oftern want to say and what so many needs to know! Thanks Sarah for sharing it!
Knocked out by pain
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Severe flare
Today is Saturday, it is week-end and I have been counting days to it. It has been an awful day. I was yelling all around (haha, I can't behave either) and did not know why, until I started to get achy and stiff... Have been rebooting the washing machine all day and there is no end to it in sight. Did some minor organizing and dusting and a lot of folding laundry... and now I am so much in pain that it is unbearable. My God... I did not remember it was like this. I have been too busy or too exhausted to post anything on my blog this past week although there'd have been lots of positive things to post - and now it is like this, I have only negative things to tell.
Something like a miracle happened too. I got a phone call from my mother, she told me to call someone who was worried about my late brother's house being torn by vandalists. I did call him, and he asked if he could go and fix the door which has been damaged, and even more - if his son could go and cut the grass that was growing wild there, definitely showing everyone that the place was not inhabited. What was even more, he said he'd be interested in buying it. It is amazing. It is not even for sale yet, and we already have two potential buyers interested in it. Because another person is too. She has been fooling me though, not giving the right information about things, hiding this and that and not keeping what has been agreed upon... I don't like such behavior. She thinks that because I am not from the area, she can tell me what she pleases. Last time she tried to make me believe that no one else would be interested in the house, that it would not be so very expensive because of the neighbors (!) - well I know something else. Also my instinct has been right about her all the time, I can see it now.
Last Sunday at church, all the texts were about healing. It was very comforting. Also a sister said, almost a year ago, that I needed not worry about finances, according to my late brother's belongings, that God already had a solution. Now I see light, for the first time after his death. Maybe it is not so hopeless anyway. That sister was sure of a solution after she had praid. She was a total stranger to me but I remember this.
By dinner, I took all the pain killers I had. Now it is starting to feel a bit easier. I hope there will be a relief tonight. It was starting to feel so bad that I was not sure if I could make it. I have been really off the rail today. It is not a good feeling.
I am sorry it is so dark today for me. I hope and believe you are having it easier.
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Friday, August 28, 2009
(Almost) burglars!

I had a phone call from my late brother's neighbor. She told me there have been (almost) burglars in my late brother's garden. They have damaged some of the out door, thrown things behind the house, and earlier in the summer i nticed some things kept in the garden had been stolen. I made a police affair of this, made the declaration - I have to, because the issue with my brother's bank and insurance company has not been finished yet. I knew it would start to happen but it feels disgusting nevertheless. I live 500 km apart from there, cannot do much else. Anyway I am happy the neighbor connected!
Flare days
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Fibro Flare
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
First World Humanitarian Day celebrated
Anyway it felt good drying them, and all that working with hands, doing something which will be there over the winter to use and to remind of summer.
Car service tomorrow.
No need for pain killers today. Back feels weak, had to rest it once in a while when cleaning.
Monday, August 17, 2009
Happy photos




Today I was clening the entrance of the house. It had loads of electric garbage which had to be taken out and away and my DH took care of that part so it is now relatively empty. I then also found some items that we had brought back from my brother's house after the fire which killed him. He had no family so it fell pretty much on us to take care of everything after the accident and to be honest, I have even today posted some formulas that the insurance company wants to have in order to be able to decide on the matter. Anyway, I found some of his photos that had survived the damage. I have been watching them this evening and uploading them to my laptop,and internet folder. I feel happy when watching them because what is so obvious there is that everyone is happy and feels well. I look at myself with my son, I am wearing an apron and feeding him, and I smile - my brother took that photo. I see another one where he is holding my son, I took that photo - he looks happy too. In one picture we are having breakfast and laughing from the bottom of our hearts - my brother took that photo. I miss him, but it feels good we have had happy moments with each other.
Being able to do cleaning work is something HUGE when compared to how I have been feeling the past days... weeks... months.... wooow.... it was not easy and I had to take breaks but it was really amazing... I even used the vacuum cleaner for a long time, and it was a heavy surface to be vacuumed, not to mention that it was dirty... I can breathe... I can accomplish things.... amazing! Those photos that I found, and all this activity - I feel so happy tonight!
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Ken vaivojansa vaikertaa...
on vaivojensa vanki:"
"Ei oikeutta maassa saa
ken itse sit' ei hanki."

I have postcrossing as a hobby ( (my user name is Fennougri). I upload all the postcards I receive on Postcrossing web page. However sometimes I receive more postcards than just the one to be registered. Lately, I received a card from a graphic designer in Amsterdam. Marilyn Grando. She had included a card which she had designed herself, as a souvenir from Finland. I upload it here since in Postcrossing, it is only possible to upload one card per sender.
I have slept badly, waking up every hour. That is still something to make me even more achy.
Morning was a bit uncomfortable so that when I woke up at 7 (my daughter needs her first insulin of the day at that time) and took my medication - added with Paracetamol to help in the pain (useless, I know it from before!) - usually the most wonderful thing to do that I know about is to creep back in between the sheets and wait that meds do their work. Now however asthma symptoms are worst in the morning too so although they are not as bad as they have been, they are not completely away either, and that made me feel really uncomfortable. I had to get out of bed and so here I am, making my life's complaint. With too long sentences, I know. This morning I just can't think short. I am also mistyping, so it seems.
Writing seems to feel weary too.
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Social media and fibromyalgia
*you don't have to dress up, do your hair, do your face - all things that are impossible for us to do many times
*you can access it any time, or, you don't necessarily have to access if you don't feel like it - you don't have to cancel anything like you would have to if you had made an appointment with someone in the "real" world.
*there is more often than not someone anyway to give you support when you need it - even in the middle of the night when you can't sleep
*it gives you the possibility to express what is in your mind, and others can comment if they feel so, and you can do the same - no forced discussions
*it is as near as the nearest Internet connection, which is often at our desk - you don't have to struggle to get out of the house, in your car, and somewhere
So thank you Someone - you made me feel relieved about using social media. It really CAN be essential to me.
I found out Lyrica, which I have successfully taken for another chronic life companion, fibromyalgia, can cause broblems in breathing, and can actually seriously worsen asthma symptoms. Not for everyone, but for some. - If you don't know fibromyalgia, it is a nasty but not life-threatening disease which among other things keeps your muscles stiff, causing you sometimes even unable to move, and still worse, it keeps you in constant, serious, all-over pain. Lyrica helped me, like it helped many others. It did ruin my diet and cause a colossal weight gain but I thought it still did more help than damage. Many others have also been complaining of colossal weight gain when starting to take Lyrica.
There was a time, a few weeks back, when I was taking steroids - yet another time! - for asthma symptoms that had gone really bad. I was getting more and more - and more - swollen, and counghing my lugns out. I felt that steroids would soon kill me in that swollenness, that I would suffocate of it if then asthma would not make the same before that. I stopped taking steroids and started to feel a bit better but something was still seriously wrong. I could not walk, even slowly, and talk at the same time, for instance.
Then yesterday evening I had had enough of it all and I took only 150 mg Lyrica, instead of the full 300 mg dose. I did not sleep very well. This morning I took another 150 mg, instead of 300mg. And you guess it - I can breathe. I can climb stairs and I do cough but I dont get an asthma attack. I would not consider climbing up and down the stairs yet but perhaps I will do that too.
I have a devilish head-ache, my feet are burning and I have a tingling pain in every joint. After a major shock caused by my daughter who had a lamp fall on her and got her hands bleeding and then we had to treat her shock and pain first and the scars then - my legs deceived me and I had to drink sugar for shock symptoms myself, and go to bed. But otherwise the day has been a wonderful one because I have been able to breathe again.
All is well as long as you can take breathing for granted. I have not been able to do so for a very long time. I cannot tell how good it feels to be able to inhale and outhale without problems!
Friday, August 14, 2009
Männyn tuholainen _ Damage in the mountain pines
I noticed some damage in the garden done to my mountain pine trees when I was cutting them. It took me some time to find out what the beast was that was causing the damage but I found it. No idea what it is called in English but I add the following information for myself. Information is from sources, photos are mine.
Kirjokudospistiäinen (Acantholyda hieroglyphica) munii männyn taimiin alkukesällä. Myös pihtakuusilla on oma kudospistiäinen.
Tuntomerkit. Kirjokudospistiäinen muistuttaa pientä ampiaista. Toukat elävät kudospussissa.
Vioitus. Toukat syövät neulasia. Paljastuneeseen kohtaan jää tyhjä kudospussi, jossa on papanamaisia ulostepalloja. Vioitus ei ole yleensä vakava.
Torjunta.Jos pistiäisiä on paljon, männyt ja vuorimännyt kannattaa ruiskuttaa malationilla.
Lähde: Source:

Lähde _ Source:
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Home town magazine done
Holiday! Holiday??????
Now I should still do something to home town magazine but that is something I really ought to do and it is not making me feel stressy.
We have been to see my mother which is lovely. Mother is sometimes mean and .... I don't know. It is a bit depressing but I don't think she means it so. She often makes comments which are not really encouraging. But she seems to get along very well with our son which is nice, he needs all positive relationships with other people which he can get so....
Tomorrow we will drive to Savonlinna. It feels wonderful to be on the road again. We have been to an amusement park (Tykkimäki ion Kouvola) and on a beach which belonged to my childhood, still exists and is very good: Pitkäthiekat in Hamina. And on mother's and our errands of course.
I have been achy and sore most days, and now I also feel a bit depressed and discouraged but I hope it will go by. I think it is normal, there has been so much of everything now. ANd it somehow also happens nearly every time when the holiday starts.
I am happy to be with family and happy to explore this part of Finland which is dear to me.
Sunday, August 2, 2009
The home town festival is over for me, and everything went reasonably well. Heard two just excellent barocque concerts, I feel so happy of them. It feels I got addicted again...
Saturday, June 20, 2009
All symptoms in the world
On the other hand, those things that are presented as possibly helpful in reducing the gray substance loss and the excess of dopamine - like black or green tea, dark chokolate, bluelerries etc - are good to have anyway and at least I like them, perhaps instinctively (?) - so by all means, having them does no harm.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Swollwn, achy, sore
Arabic bread
Sweet relief: Woman sings praises of chocolate’s health benefits
For Cathy Bouchard of Naperville, Ill., eating an ounce of dark chocolate every day isn’t merely a treat in her diet; it’s a lifesaver.
“I’m not a doctor. I’m not a nutritionist. All I do is tell my story. I have been cured by chocolate,” she told an audience earlier this year during a session of her lecture, “The Bittersweet History of Chocolate."
Her journey with chocolate began about five years ago after she was diagnosed with fibromyalgia. The pain kept her from leaving the house to go to work or to the grocery store. So Bouchard spent her time exploring life through reading about places like Egypt and China, which led her to the Myan culture.
“I read their contribution was cultivation of cacao, which we know as chocolate,” she said. “It’s always been used for health issues.”
After reading about chocolate’s health benefits, Bouchard decided to search for cacao to try it for herself. It took her more than two months to find a candy bar made with 70 percent cacao. She ate 1 ounce of the dark chocolate every day. She decided to see what would happen after four to six weeks of eating the chocolate since her doctor always told her it takes that long for a new medication to work.
One night, with a piece of chocolate in one hand and a book in the other, Bouchard was reading about chocolate being used as a muscle relaxant. At that moment, Bouchard said she realized she hadn’t been in pain for awhile.
“I thought, could this piece of chocolate be working,” she said. But it did because, she said, “After six weeks, I was totally pain free.”
Soon after, Bouchard was back to work and back to grocery shopping.
Today, Bouchard owns Le Choclat Bar in Naperville; she plans to open another store soon. She shares her story with customers who also have found dark chocolate to relive other ailments, such as headaches.
But Bouchard is quick to point out not any old piece of chocolate will work. A milk chocolate candy bar has only 8 percent cacao while a quality chocolate bar has 40 percent cacao.
“Enjoy your chocolate, but watch your labels. Dark chocolate has no milk in it. Dark chocolate has cacao, sugar and vanilla,” she said.
Although she is not aware of any clinical studies yet about dark chocolate’s effect on fibromyalgia or headaches, Cathy Cabanban, clinical dietitian and certified diabetes educator at Advocate Good Samaritan Hospital in Downers Grove, Ill., said there are health benefits to consuming 1 ounce of dark chocolate every day.
“Most of the studies are with people with high blood pressure and cholesterol,” Cabanban said. She added if people with mild blood pressure add dark chocolate to their diet, it can lower their blood pressure.
While dark chocolate does have beneficial compounds, such as flavenoyds, Cabanban points out other foods contain flavenoyds as well, such as wine, apples and tea. If someone wants to add 1 ounce of dark chocolate made with 70 percent cacao, Cabanban will suggest substituting the dark chocolate for another junk food so as not to add extra calories to their diet.
“I often recommend if people want to use dark chocolate ... to make homemade hot chocolate,” Cabanban said, adding the drink has less fat and calories than a chocolate bar.
Suburban Life Publications
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Finland Closes Shop for Midsummer published today 12:27 PM
Finland Closes Shop for Midsummer
published today 12:27 PM

Image: Rinna Härkönen
Saturday June 20 is Midsummer's Day, known in Finnish as Juhannus (St John's Day). One of the biggest celebrations of the year, it brings most of the nation's business and services to a halt, beginning on Friday around midday.
Traditionally celebrated with food, drink, song, saunas and bonfires, Midsummer is the only holiday when the Finnish flag flies around the clock, from 6 pm Friday till 9 pm Saturday. The holiday is celebrated on the weekend closest to the actual Summer Solstice, which this year happens to fall on Sunday.
Retail stores may remain open on Friday, Midsummer's Eve, until 1 pm. They are closed on Saturday. On Sunday shops may open from 12 noon to 9 pm.
Kiosks, petrol stations, small shops in rural areas and those under Helsinki's main railway station can set their own hours, so some may be open on Saturday.
State alcoholic beverage outlets are open on Friday until 1 pm; closed on Saturday and Sunday.
Post offices:
Post offices close on Thursday by 6 pm. They re-open on Monday June 22.
Some other businesses, such as shops and filling stations, may offer postal services according to their own opening hours.
Banks are open normally on Thursday, but then closed until Monday.
Rail service:
VR trains operate on special holiday schedules. Many normal departures are cancelled on Friday and Saturday.
Most run on regular timetables on Thursday. On Friday they generally operate according to Saturday schedules. On Saturday and Sunday they follow Sunday timetables. However there are many exceptions.
For instance, all day trains between Seinäjoki and Kokkola in western Finland are cancelled due to track work. Most will be replaced by buses. Some overnight express trains are also cancelled.
Local train transport:
Midsummer does not bring major changes to VR's local train services. Friday's trains run on Saturday schedules; Saturday and Sunday on Sunday timetables.
Long-distance bus services:
On Thursday, coaches run on regular schedules, with the addition of some extra Friday departures. On Midsummer's Eve, they drive according to Saturday timetables, with limited departures after 2 pm. There is restricted traffic on Midsummer's Day. On June 21 it reverts to the usual Sunday schedules. However some early morning departures are cancelled.
Highway and maritime help:
The Automobile and Touring Club of Finland offers emergency road help around the clock. The hotline number is 0200-8080 (toll call).
The Finnish Lifeboat Institution offers emergency help at sea. Their hotline is 0204 1000. Those in trouble on inland waters (or on land) should call the regular emergency number, 112.